I began researching other strollers. It seemed like such an investment to get another one. I longed for a more compact stroller. We definitely got a lot of wear out of this one. But it was hard to get our big black lab Jemma and the stroller in the trunk if we wanted to take a walk around the lake. My bestie Kristina got the Britax B-agile stroller. The first time I saw it I had "stroller envy". In the last year I acquired (convinced myself I NEEDED) four more strollers. Yesterday I finally bought a used City Mini stroller. It is similar to the Britax B-agile stroller. We love it. Its compact, light weight, and has all the accessories (drink holder, cooler, snack tray)! Score! Now we have five strollers. We have the Graco jogging stroller, an umbrella stroller, a Chicco key fit caddy (this one is perfect when they are in the infant car seat), a sit-n-stand stroller (nope I'm not pregnant again), and the City Mini. We also have a red wagon. Not sure why I'm so obsessed. I'm Valerie and I'm a stroller hoarder. Oh did I mention the previous owners of the house also painted the garage pink?
From rockin' on stage to rockin' my baby! Things have changed a lot in the last few years. I quit my band, got married, had a baby, and moved from my home in the city of Minneapolis to the suburbs of Atlanta Georgia! Follow my new journey here.
Miss Elodie James McFall

The day I became a mother.
Sunday, November 9, 2014
Stroller Hoarder?
I think I have discovered I have a slight obsession with strollers. I remember before Elodie was born I looked for the best stroller that could do all the things that we wanted. Graham wanted to be able to jog with her. I wanted to be able to walk with her and have storage for a coffee, water, cell phone, place to hook my diaper bag. We decided on the Graco FastAction jogger stroller combo. It was a good deal and the infant seat just clicked into place. After Elodie was born we quickly learned that this stroller was hard to get into our vehicle and all around bulky. Bringing it out in public was a bit tricky. When we went to a restaurant we would ask them if they had somewhere we could park our Cadillac. It was a bit wobbly when walking with it also. All the accessories were nice but I found myself wanting more.
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