We used to have a great bedtime routine.
Bath time at 6:30-7.
Read from 7-7:30ish.
Rock her for a bit and put her down in her crib.
She would sleep until 7:30-8.
Awwww the good old days.
Man I miss that crib.
Transitions are the worst.
It's been a power struggle since then.
It's really hard to figure out how to get them to sleep normal again if they don't want to stay in bed.
Everyone says to keep a routine.
But how can you keep a routine and try new ways to get them down?
How many nights are you supposed to give each way a shot?
Then on to the next "great" idea.
There is no guide book.
It slowly got better after a couple of weeks.
Then it progressively got worse.
She was waking up every couple of hours screaming like a newborn for a while.
Graham and I were spending most of our nights in her bed.
Letting them cry it out at this age is pretty much the worst.
Especially when they are screaming "Mommy pleeeeeeease" on the other side of the door.
That definitely didn't work for us after a weekend of trying and her waking up sounding like Lindsay Lohan from all of the crying.
We tried to just lay her down and walk out.
I counted 50 times one night and she was still super upset and not tired.
So here we are, still trying to figure it out.
Graham and I switch off nights putting her to bed to keep sane.
Naptime in our bed!
Thoughts while putting my two year old to bed in her "big girl bed'.
We read plenty of books.
She is getting so smart.
She knows so many colors, can count to ten, and name countless animals.
We watched the stars on the ceiling.
She told me all of the colors of the stars and tried to count them all.
Said our prayers.
Kissed goodnight.
Talked about how she needs to sleep through the night like a big girl.
This is a reward for sleeping through the night! Yup ice cream for breakfast!
I rub her back.
Then she rolls over and I rub her tummy.
She wants to lay on my chest.
She wants to lay on my tummy.
"Water, water".
Ok, here is some water.
How do you stop them from wanting water once they are fully potty trained?
Ugh must focus on potty training tomorrow.
"Tummy, tummy".
Ok, I will rub your tummy again.
I will slow down the rubbing and she will fall asleep.
Oops I almost fell asleep.
I wish someone would rub my tummy.
It's still light out so I'm gonna pretend to be sleeping.
I shouldn't completely lie down or I will fall asleep.
Ugh so uncomfortable so I lie down.
The flailing of the legs commences.
She is dancing and kicking me.
She is only two and has a lot of energy.
She is learning so much so she has a lot on her mind.
Everyone says to cherish this time.
That it goes by so fast.
But if she doesn't sleep does that make me a good mom?
Sleep is good for growing toddlers right?
Ugh, "Elodie stop kicking mommy".
"Close your eyes".
She rolls over.
I think she is finally sleeping.
As I try to sneak out she quickly rolls over and looks at me "Mommy".
I hop back in bed.
Just kidding I wasn't going anywhere.
"Close your eyes Elodie".
"Mommy is going to go in her room if you don't go to sleep".
She rolls over again.
I know I shouldn't threaten that since it's true.
Ok listen to her breathing.
The kicking starts again.
Why is it still sunny out?
Maybe we should just stay up and party all night.
Should I cuddle her?
Should I hold her close?
I try.
She pinches me.
She plays with my hands.
She thinks it's funny.
Ugh, it's like she is wide awake again.
We should've just stayed up and played in her room for the last hour instead of this game.
Maybe I should let her play in her room until she falls asleep?
Do kids actually do that?
She has never fallen asleep anywhere except her bed, car seat, stroller, or an airplane.
Now it's getting darker I can't see if her eyes are open.
Must focus.
Ugh, she is still staring at me.
Waiting on my next move.
She knows.
That sweet face.
At least she is sleeping through the night most nights lately.
Stay calm, lots of parents go through this, right?
Must. Stay. Awake.
Next thing I know it's 10pm and I definitely fell asleep.
She is asleep as I sneak out on my tiptoes trying not to make a sound.
Ugh, I love that child.

How can I get frustrated with this face?
Parents who have a tough time, you are not alone.
I love you! You are such a good mom. This will pass... Soon I hope!
ReplyDelete#mylife. Great job v