Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Living in Woodstock GA!

My husband Graham, daughter Elodie, dog Jemma and I headed South to Woodstock GA a little over a month ago.  We bought a house and committed to living in the suburbs.  We wanted to give it a try.  Nice house, nice neighborhood, nice neighbors!  It is a bit of a culture shock.  Not necessarily because it is the south but because we are living in the suburbs.  I do hear the theme song to the show Weeds in my head almost every time I drive into our neighborhood.  I lived in Minneapolis for 15+ years.  That sounds crazy.  In our new house I do feel safe and I like the space.  I don't like feeling like I am spending the majority of my time in a car getting places.  I also miss the convenience of a great restaurant (delicious food, drinks, and exceptional service).  I am sure we will find some gems.  We may have to spend some more time in the car to get there.  Before we came down here I was bartending so it is nice to find good service when we go out to eat.  Here is our family in front of the new house!

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